The Seven-Day Soul: A pathway to a flourishing spirituality in every part of your life


In this ground-breaking book, psychologist and mindfulness meditation teacher Susannah Healy reveals the evidence-basis for the value of spirituality in all aspects of our lives. She examines the place of spirituality in a culture that values individualism and left-brained thinking, and delves into the psychological research that shows that it is in self-transcendence -- the conscious service of others and the world -- that true happiness lies. Gently guiding the reader through millennia of spiritual teachings in the world faith traditions, Susannah expands the vision of God from the Western 'old man in the sky' image into something less literal, which can ultimately give meaning to all. She shows how we can apply this to all aspects of our life, including relationships, parenting, career and recreation, for our greater good and that of society as a whole

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Spirituality & religious experience; ANF: Paranormal;