
How to trap a Starfish is the story of Jack Mills, a boy born into the economic instability of Emergency Ireland in the 1930's. He comes of age in the 1950's and is one of the 500,000 people who leave Ireland's shores between 1945 and 1960, during a large-scale movement of Irish emigrants. Jack, a Dublin native, handsome, charming and over confident, is the much-adored only son of Jack Sr (a canny but philandering Dublin chauffeur) and May Mills (a quiet spoken gentle country girl who was sent to work in Dublin after the premature death of both her parents). Jack set's out on his journey to New York City with Alva, his new bride. She hails from a prestigious home, she is artistic by nature, highly perceptive, and a cunning Sandymount debutant...Alva punches well above her weight in many respects, however, this being said, Alva leaves home with one ultimate life skill inherited from her experienced Mother's middle class, victorian & staunch household. Alva Blake is well versed in the ways and methods of "How to catch a Starfish". This book deals with one man's journey through life recalling and expanding on his challenges, journeys, victories, love triangles, and his ultimate defeat. It will, I hope, be of interest to all those who reflect on these human and philosophical subjects. It will have particular relevance to Irish people, and the Irish diaspora, with it's back drop of places and characters in Ireland and of course with Ireland's omnipresent relationship with emigration. The book deals with a life spanning full circle until the last few days of an Irish Immigrants life while he nears death in a New York State Nursing home. It tells of one man's downward spiral into estrangement and dispossession.

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FICTION / Romance / General; FICTION / Action & Adventure; Romance; Adventure; Modern & contemporary